Biostimulants fall under the Czech Fertiliser law dated June 12, 1998 (Zákon č. 156/1998 Sb.
Zákon o hnojivech, pomocných půdních látkách, rostlinných biostimulantech a substrátech a o agrochemickém zkoušení zemědělských půd (zákon o hnojivech).
The law on fertilisers, soil amendments, biostimulants and growth substrates also covers testing on agricultural soils.
This act lays down the conditions for placing on the market and the use of fertilisers and all products mentioned above. It does not apply to fertiliser mixtures though.
It contains details about the registration of fertiliser products, which has to be requested by an importer or manufacturer, such as what an application should contain.
Depending on the product/application, the Central Agricultural Inspection and Testing Institute will decide if the application will require biological testing (field or greenhouse)
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